To earn the Master of Arts in Cultural Sustainability, students complete a minimum
of 42 credits of required, elective and professional management courses. The required courses comprise half (21 credits) of the degree and include a six-credit capstone project
in the field. The additional course credits are drawn from 12 program electives and from 9 management credits in the Professional Management (PMGT) curriculum.
Courses are conducted online and during our nine-day residency in July, allowing you
to continue working while you pursue your degree regardless of your location. The
low-residency component provides face-to-face interaction and fieldwork with faculty
and other students in the program.
For the 12 elective credits required, students may select from the Cultural Sustainability electives below, or may choose to take some courses from the Arts Administration, Environmental Sustainability & Management, Historic Preservation, or Management electives, with approval. Students will work with their advisors to determine electives that reflect their professional goals.
CSP 610: Introduction to Cultural Documentation (3)
CSP 618: Cultural Sustainability Theory Seminar (3)
CSP 620: Food and Foodways (3)
CSP 625: Festivals, Events and Performances (3)
CSP 628: Principles of Cultural Mediation (3)
CSP 630: Community and Economic Development (3)
CSP 635: Interpretive Planning and Project Management (3)
CSP 638: Language Preservation (3)
CSP 640: Exhibits, Real and Virtual (3)
CSP 642: Culture and Calamity (3)
CSP 648: Museums and Communities (3)
CSP 650: Organizing Communities: Advocacy, Activism, and Social Justice (3)
CSP 653: Topics and Issues in Cultural Sustainability (3)
CSP 654: Cultural Representation at the Smithsonian Institution (3)
CSP 656: The Dynamics of Identity (3)
CSP 657: Culture, Spirituality & Sustainability (3)
CSP 665: Arts of Social Change (3)
GRW 601: Writing Studio (this course is free and carries no credits)
NOTE: Students will work with their advisors to select a set of courses that best meet their professional goals. With approval from their Program Director, Students may choose one or two courses from the Arts Administration curriculum to meet these requirements.
PMGT 601: Leadership and Self-Development I: Leadership Styles (3 credits)
PMGT 605: Digital Ethics and Intellectual Property (3 credits)
PMGT 608: Principles of Project Management (3 credits)
PMGT 610: Strategic Management (3 credits)
PMGT 614: Integrated Marketing Communications (3 credits)
PMGT 616: Financial Skills and Managerial Accounting (3 credits)
PMGT 617: Principles of Marketing (3 credits)
PMGT 621: Fundraising (1.5 credits)
PMGT 623: Grantwriting (1.5 credits)
PMGT 626: Nonprofit Leadership and Management (3 credits)
PMGT 630: Designing and Delivering a Learning Experience (1.5 credits)
PMGT 638: Innovation in the Social Sector (3 credits)
PMGT 636: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
PMGT 641: Social Networks and New Media (1.5 credits)
PMGT 643: Writing for Different Audiences (3 credits)